Spotlight on Dr. Kristin Heins, ND & Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

As both a naturopathic doctor (ND) and registered psychotherapist (Qualifying), Dr. Kristin Heins, ND has firsthand experience of the immense benefit mental and emotional support can offer patients with cancer. We asked Dr. Heins, ND, some questions to get to know more about her and the approach she takes with patients.
1) What brought you to psychotherapy?
Working as an ND I quickly realized I wanted to be able to more fully support the mental emotional aspects of health. I believe so passionately that we can not only attend to the body but also need to attend to our thoughts and feelings which create direct physical impacts.
2) What are you most passionate about?
Having the privilege to be part of someone’s health team and being reminded of how unique and individual we are! Working as a psychotherapist has amplified this for me.
3) What is your favorite part of your job?
Can “everything” be an answer! I honestly feel incredible gratitude to be able to work with people the way I do. To be able to share closeness, tears and laughter with a client is a gift.
4) What is the most challenging part of your job?
Aside from keeping up on paperwork? That is probably the truth. I also have to be really diligent with my own self-care so I remain well in my own being - carve out time in my week to exercise, take time to be quiet and reflective. Sometimes this is a big challenge.
5) How do you like to spend your free time?
My daughter is a big part of my free time! We ski in the winter and that takes up a lot of our time. In the summer we are often finding somewhere to run or bike or a forest to explore. Being active and in nature with her sums it up :)
6) Who has influenced you the most in life?
That is a hard question as there have been many influencers. My mother always taught me to be courageous and be whoever I wanted to be and this shaped my life philosophy and made me courageous when I was scared.
7) What is the most helpful advice you’ve received?
Someone once told me that I could be great at anything I wanted ... just not all at the same time. This stuck with me and reminds me in moments that I can focus on where I am at and know I can be present with someone else in another moment.
8) What do you want your patients to know about how you practice psychotherapy?
Relational experiential therapy is unique in that it is really directed by what happens organically in a session. By what the client brings in or what comes up between us working together. It is not formulaic and is probably a lot more casual than people may think. I think TV sometimes makes people think they will be analyzed intensely or judged and that is intimidating and not how we work together. I take an open, direct and compassionate approach to forge working relationships with my clients.
Thank you Dr. Heins!
Dr. Kristin Heins, ND, sees patients at the CCNM Integrative Cancer Centre on Thursdays.