How We Can Help

Naturopathic doctors can help to manage a variety of conditions, including:

  • Allergies
    What are allergies?
    An allergy is an abnormal reaction of your immune system to a substance or chemical that is harmless to most people. Allergies can be both airborne or foodborne and extreme in some cases.
    What causes allergies?
    • Genetics and family history
    • Prenatal exposure to a virus, drugs, radiation or chemicals
    • Toxic exposures (pesticides, cleaning products, environmental pollutants, beauty products)
    • Seasonal allergies (ragweed, birch pollen)
    • Early weaning
    • Genetically modified foods
    • Stress
    • Poor diet
    • Weak immune system
    • Poor digestive function
    • Over-consumption of particular foods (often gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, or corn)
    • Prescription drugs (such as cortisone)
    A Naturopathic Doctor can help:
    Naturopathic treatment may be highly effective for treating allergies. Your Naturopathic Doctor (ND) will examine all aspects of your health history, and may help treat the cause of your allergies and may alleviate your symptoms using:

    • Nutritional Counselling & Diet Modification
    • Immune & Adrenal Support
    • Digestive Support
    • Stress Reduction
    • Lifestyle Modifications
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  • Anxiety and Depression
    Naturopathic medical treatments may be used to help address the effects of anxiety and depression. Treatment may include herbal remedies and supplements, lifestyle and nutrition programs that support overall health and wellness, and other forms of natural therapy. Naturopathic doctors can recommend therapies that may also be used with conventional medications.
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  • Arthritis
    Naturopathic doctors may help treat arthritis and other joint conditions with prescription-free pain relief and rehabilitation. Therapies such as acupuncture and herbal and nutritional medicine can provide safe and effective treatment for arthritis.
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  • Children’s Health
    Your intern and supervisor are trained to treat a variety of health concerns and will work with you to promote your child’s physical, mental and emotional development. In today’s fast-paced life, children and teens face challenges of peer pressure, poor nutritional options, inactive lifestyles and many other daily stressors.
    Concerns we can help support include:
    • Diaper rash, colic, teething, weaning
    • Fevers and frequent respiratory infections
    • Allergies, ear infections, recurrent colds and flu, asthma
    • Skin conditions, digestive problems and food sensitivities
    • Stress, sleep problems
    • Behavioural issues, anxiety, depression
    • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD
    • Weight management
    We also provide a range of wellness services, specifically:
    • Prenatal and postpartum care, including breastfeeding advice for parents
    • Nutritional and lifestyle counselling for infants, children, teenagers and their families
    • Guidance to help you consider healthy parenting solutions
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  • Diabetes
    Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in Canada. Naturopathic therapy for diabetes aims to stabilize blood sugar through lifestyle and dietary recommendations. Nutritional and herbal medicines can help support the effects of diet and exercise. Our patients receive a comprehensive approach which in conjunction with conventional medicine can help treat and prevent Type II Diabetes.
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  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
    Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are complex medical conditions that are often misdiagnosed and misunderstood.
    Our naturopathic professionals may help you:
    • Improve energy, well-being and overall quality of health
    • Enhance the quality of sleep
    • Decrease pain and discomfort
    • Improve cognitive and physical function
    • Balance the body’s immune system
    • Support mind, body, and spirit in the healing process
    • Integrate with other health-care professionals to provide the most comprehensive approach
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  • Insomnia
    Insomnia is one of the more common health issues seen by conventional medical doctors and naturopathic doctors. Our interns and naturopathic doctors will assess your sleep issues and suggest practical solutions.
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  • Mental Health
    A balanced state of mental health is more than the absence of symptoms associated with mental illness. It includes the ability to regulate one’s psychological challenges. Patients learn how to cope effectively with stressors, as well as how to increase physiological and psychological resilience to adverse events. The Peel Naturopathic Clinic helps patients achieve optimal mental health through naturopathic medicine.
    A Naturopathic Doctor can help:
    Our naturopathic doctors help patients with mental health challenges by identifying underlying triggers and factors that may be influencing or exacerbating psychological distress.

    Some common underlying factors include insufficient micronutrient intake, suboptimal lifestyle habits, use or abuse of substances, side effects from prescription drugs, and other medical conditions and diseases.

    We identify treatments and supports that may improve a patient’s capacity to handle stress. Naturopathic treatment options include nutritional supplementation, dietary and lifestyle modifications, and botanical medicines, among others.
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  • Migraines
    Naturopathic medicine offers various treatment options for migraine sufferers, such as acupuncture, botanical medicine, and nutritional supplementation. In many trials, acupuncture has been shown to benefit migraine patients by about 50 per cent, which is similar to other effective treatments. In some trials, acupuncture was compared to proven prophylactic drug treatment, with patients reporting significant improvements and fewer adverse effects with acupuncture.
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  • Sexual and Reproductive Health
    Naturopathic doctors can help address a range of sexual and reproductive health concerns, including:
    • Menstrual issues
    • Perimenopause and menopause symptoms
    • Sexual concerns
    • Prostate enlargement
    • Prevention of breast, gynecological, and urological cancers.
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  • Stress
    Over time, stress exhausts your body, contributing to many common health complaints.
    Your adrenal glands are responsible for producing cortisol and regulating levels of stress. Naturopathic doctors can prescribe nutritional supplements and herbal medicine to nourish your adrenal glands and help you adapt to life’s stressors.
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